After the dialogue circle, The Peacemakers' Y4U and members of IFFA proceeded to the Ramadhan Fair held at the Commission on Higher Education in UP Diliman to celebrate the Eidl Fitr with our Muslim brothers and sisters.
SOLIDARITY & DIALOGUE with Muslim and Christian grassroots community leaders From Quiapo, Tala in Caloocan, Culiat and Maharlika Village in Taguig & MR. IKEBAL PATEL of the AUSTRALIAN FEDERATION OF ISLAMIC COUNCILS onIslam & Interfaith Relationship-Building Date: August 31 (Tuesday) Time: From 2-4 o'clock in the afternoon Venue: Ugnayan Hall, PhilDHRRA Partnership Center, 59 C. Savador St., Varsity Hills, Loyola Heights, QC. PROGRAM OF ACTIVITIES: 1:30 p.m. - Arrival & Registration 2:00 - Opening Interfaith Prayers - Welcome & Introductions 2:15 - WHAT RAMADAN MEANS TO MUSLIMS by IMAM MAJ. EBRA MOXSIR, President of the Imam Council of the Philippines 2:30 - Presentation of relationship-building efforts by Muslims & Christians working together in various grassroots communities in Metro Manila 3:00 - BEING A MUSLIM PEACEMAKER IN A MULTI- RELIGIOUS & CULTURALLY DIVERSE SOCIETY by MR. IKEBAL PATEL, Australian Federation of Islamic Councils 3:15 - Dialogue Circle 4:00 - Closing Prayer |