The International Women's Day this year was celebrated not just by women but also by men and youths from different faiths at the open evening session of the Tuesday Inner Work Circle which featured an Interfaith Women's Dialogue Circle held on March 8, 2011 at The Peacemakers' Circle.
With the theme:"The Role of Women in my Faith," insightful sharings from different spiritual

traditions were heard. Among those who shared were: Sr. Ma. Arnold Noel, SSPS for Christianity; Sis. Rose Uy and Sis. Eda Valt from the Brahma Kumaris; Ms. Raquel Castillo from the Baha'i' Faith; Dr. Shakun Vaswani from Hinduism; Ms. Tomomi Shima from Shumei.

Ms. Marwan Pialda and Alan Berguia (Muslim youths from Culiat); Mr. Sangkyu Lee (Jeung San Do); and Mr. Reimon Cosare (Tibetan) also shared from their faith traditions. Some also shared reflections on gender harmony and egalitarian spirituality.

It was an enlightening and heartwarming evening of dialogue, solidarity, bonding, and gender

harmony that was capped off by sharing of vegetarian snacks and lively conversations.